Thursday, March 29, 2007

Zachary has had a rough week

Hello everyone. I took off the past week because there was alot going on with Zachary and I that needed my attention. Let me catch you up. Zachary has had a rough week dealing with his aggressiveness, seizures, as well as eating habits. I on the otherhand, have been experiencing rocky ground with my health, in which I have until next week to turn around. Other than that, we have been ourselves and the world has been a wonderful place to inhabit.

I have been busy, but I have thought of all of you everyday. I also knew all of you would worry for Zachary. Other than what he goes through daily, he is fine and continuing to fight for his existence. I continue to support him as I always have and give him all the love he deserves. His demands continue to get more intense, though. He wants to see Paul Stanley in the worst way; but no matter what I say, it's not good enough and he will not accept my words until he sees Paul in the flesh. But that's a battle of it's own and one that will never end. I'm still wanting him to have his dream and very determined for it to come true. He loves his Uncle Bruce and he loves Paul with all his heart; and even though he met Bruce, he still awaits the meeting of he and Paul. On the otherhand, begs to talk and see Bruce again. His words...TODAY!!! I just keep telling him soon and I also tell him Paul and Bruce are working; but they will come see him soon. Does he understand?? I think not and he won't.

The trip for Houston is still on for us at the end of April and we will be gone for a week. I will keep all of you posted on their findings and when the first surgery will be. Please continue to pray for him and my family. This is a really dark time for all of us and we're getting weak....that's the mishap of being human. Love to all of you and I will check in tomorrow.

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