Saturday, March 17, 2007

Thank you Barry Carr ......

Good morning family!!! I hope this entry finds everyone well. Update...Zachary returned home last night with his little brother and is doing well. He was very happy to come home and hear his music again and now he is in school finishing up for the week.

My thanks continues to a very important part of our team without whom none of this would be possible. Over time, he has become more like a big brother to me and an Uncle to Zachary. He has worked timeless hours, days, weeks, and months to keep things working smoothly for Zachary and has kept my head on straight plenty of times. He is an artist, musician, KISS fan, friend to many others, and has touched many lives with his creativity and his big heart.

So, without further ado, I'd like to introduce all of you to my best friend, artist Barry Carr, owner of Rock Bottom Costumes. It seems like yesterday when I first spoke with Barry regarding boots for Zachary; but alot has gone on since then. As time went on, we built a professional relationship with one another regarding Zachary, as well as this blog you now read; in which he is responsible for. I had the honor meeting Barry for the first time when he brought the boots to present to Zachary back in December and was amazed by his presence...not only the aura that surrounded him, but witnessing him in costume and meeting the man before transformation in regular street clothes. I knew before meeting with him he had a kind and giving heart. From the beginning, he discussed with me how much Zachary's story struck his heart and from then decided to make Zachary's boots and deliver them personally. Barry was in charge of making final arrangements for the appearance Zachary and I made at the KISS Expo, as well as other things he has planned or is planning for the near future in which I am unsure about. He has done many great things for Zachary and for that I am thankful. Zachary loves and adores him to no end and he is the best friend I could ever ask for. He has been with us through thick and thin and has never gave up no matter how busy he becomes with his work. He is a kind and giving person as well as hard working. His time is always valuable and not to be taken advantage of by me; but he is always there when Zachary or I need him. He has been brought down over the internet time and time again; but I promise you, none of that garbage is true because I have had the honor of meeting the man behind the costume and he is absolutely wonderful!!

So this is for you, our friend Barry Carr; for none of this would be possible. You have put a fire in Zachary's eyes that cannot be extinguished and determination in my heart to make things possible. You are a true artist and an awesome creator of the costumes your heros wear or once wore and a wonderful man and friend. As long as Zachary, myself, or your customers have anything to do with it, your work will always be appreciated and the time you put into all of your creations and ideas will not go in vain. We will love and admire you forever!!!

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