Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Thanks to Jamie Dill of " Black Omen"

Hello guys. I would like to continue my thank yous to all of our friends that have helped Zachary and I along the way and have touched our hearts in the special and genuine way they have. All of you guys have pierced my heart with your love and compassion, showed support through troubling times, shared your love, and kept the fire of determination lit under my soul to continue to fight for Zachary.

The friend we would like to thank today is Jamie Dill of Black Omen. Jamie lives in California and is a friend of ours and Tony Whitfield. I met Jamie on MySpace and spoke with him on the phone. He is the lead guitarist of his band and a humble guy....very laid back, funny, and I see him as the young Bruce Kulick. I have heard many stories about Jamie...that he is a true musician, a perfectionist, and gets it right the first time he plays. He loves the music of KISS and many other bands, including his own.

From what I understand through other channels, when Jamie first heard of Zachary's Song of Love, he was determined to play. He wasn't about to take no for an answer and continued to ask until his request was approved. When I found out that Jamie finally got his wish to play on the song, I heard he put all his heart into the playing of it and it was truly an honor for him to be able to perform on it for Zachary. And in my opinion, I wouldn't have had it any other way. In my eyes, he was meant to play on this demo because he is just as involved as everyone else and we are.

The last I spoke with Jamie, he spoke with Zachary and I. Jamie shared with me of a visit he would like to make to Zachary soon and for me to give him a date on when this can occur. At the time, I didn't know when it could be scheduled. Jamie left it up to me on when this can occur. I told him I was unsure on when, but would keep him posted on this and I would call and let him know. Soon is all I can really say; for I wait for Zachary to meet another one of his idols and have the chance to jam with him like there is no tomorrow.

So this is for you, our friend Jamie. You are one of the most humblest people we know and we hold you high like we do Uncle Bruce. You are a true musician and friend, as well as a brother and hero. And just like I told Bruce, keep on jamming at every concert you play as if Zachary is standing in the first row with you. We will see you soon, my friend. Take care and we love you.

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