Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Thanks to Dave Kinnoin "...music soothes the savage beast..."

Hello everyone. It has been a great morning!! Today I would like to continue my thankfulness to the people that have touched our lives with their friendship and love. As I wrote in my last entries, these people are the foundation of the pyramid in which has built Zachary's dream and has brought it closer to reality. Without them, there would be no reality to Zachary's big dream. As the saying goes, "To dream, you have to see the world through a child's eyes." All of my new friends have seen the dream through the constant fire burning in Zachary's eyes and have answered the call so that he WILL LIVE this dream. Thank you guys!!

Many friends have answered the call with prayers, gifts, money, and correspondence. All of the gifts are special in everyway; but in today's entry I want to speak of a special gift...a song from the heart.

I met Dave Kinnoin through our brother Tony Whitfield several months ago. Dave is a songwriter and a children's golden globe winner for songs he wrote for popular children's shows like "Bear in the Big Blue House" and many others which may surprise you. On his off time, he is a full time dad, husband, maintenance man, lumberjack, and a cookie conasure. Not to mention a big brother to his little bro, Tony. Besides all of that, he is a talented man with a BIG HEART.

Several months ago, Tony read Zachary's story on the site and immediately brought it to Dave's attention. He wanted to know if something could be done. The answer was yes. The decision was made to write a Song of Love for Zachary with Dave as the songwriter. The information was sent to my email, downloaded, and printed out. I immediately filled it out and sent it back to them, writing Dave's name at the top as the songwriter of choice. A few weeks later, Dave went to work writing the song. They say a writer needs a muse. Well the way I see things, Dave received his muse through the blog I wrote about Zachary and speaking to the "little man" himself. In my opinion, from one writer to the next, you have to obtain experience in some way about the person you're writing about to gain complete understanding. This was obtained through speaking to Zachary and myself, reading the blog, and Tony also helped share his views. When the project began to go full force, I received a call and the ink had not yet dried on the paper. My first reaction to this brought tears of joy to my eyes because when it comes to writing your feelings down on paper and transferring them to song; I was speechless and at the same time had the utmost respect for Dave for wanting to take this head on.

To give Zachary, his siblings, and myself more familiarity with his work, Dave sent each child a cd of his work. Daring Dewey was Dave's gift to Zachary, along with an autographed poster of him, which now hangs on Zachary's wall in his room. Zachary loves that cd and says that is his favorite along with his KISS cds. Not to mention he studies the cover and says, "Toie (Tony) swing."

Over time, the song was written, and the first demo was made and sent to me to hear. It was amazing!! The words Dave wrote described Zachary's love for Paul Stanley to a tee and explained why he sees himself as THE STAR CHILD. It made tears roll down my face when I heard poetry put forth in song regarding the life of my son. When I say LIFE, I mean the bond of the Star Child character and Paul Stanley in which has joined his total being that makes him what he is today. The song fully explains Zachary's standing with Paul and the character completely. As time went on, the guitars were added, and another demo was made to gain completion of the song. With the music, the song is compared to an 80's KISS song, in which is more of Zachary's taste. Tony says the song ROCKS!!!

So in closure, Zachary and I want to thank Dave Kinnoin for the tireless effort he has commited himself to...setting poetry in motion with the words and music of a song. Music soothes the savage beast, I am told. With experience, the music of KISS has soothed Zachary throughout the years with his seizure activity and has made it easier for him to endure. Yes, it works!! I am a firm believer that music is his natural cure....maybe not permanent, but it temporarily helps. So Dave, thank you for your time and effort in putting this song together for Zachary and giving him a piece of your heart. This is the gift that will continue to give for the rest of his life and something I will always cherish because it came from the depths of your heart. You and Zachary share a true bond in the music; not only is it good for the soul, but it draws you to one another in more ways than one. You will always be a hero to him, as well as the big brother to us both and we will always love you. Rest well and we will speak to you soon.

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