Saturday, March 10, 2007

Thanks Doug Jones

Hello everyone. Today is the first entry of many thank yous that are well deserved to many friends and family throughout the years of Zachary's life and the past few amazing months. All of you have touched our lives in many ways and to that we all are thankful for your kind and giving heart.

The first friend we would like to thank is Doug Jones. I met Doug through a mutual friend, Tony Whitfield and was introduced to him over MySpace. Over time, I had the chance to speak with him regarding Zachary. Shortly after that, Zachary received a very nice KISS care package from him which included a Paul Stanley autographed Love Gun costume jacket, KISS Army t shirt, and KISS and Gene Simmons videos; as well as a few other odds and ends. Also shortly after that, Doug contributed $200 to Zachary's fund on paypal. Doug told me to use it to get Zachary something great...KISS related if I could. So, I waited for what seemed like a very long time to choose the perfect gift from Doug to Zachary and was very picky at that.

When things were planned for the expo in Myrtle Beach, I phoned Doug to let him know and he arranged for his friend, Leigh to transform Zachary into Paul Stanley for his special day. Not only that, but I finally told him what I bought Zachary with the money he sent a while ago. What was it you ask?? I found a Paul Stanley Lyon guitar on Ebay autographed and still in the box!! And might I say, it was a steal...$166!!! He was so happy to hear about the gift I found for Zachary and was glad to have been able to help with the purchase of this gift.

We also had the honor of meeting up with him and Marilyn at the expo and hanging out. When Zachary took the stage, it was Doug that took the wonderful shots of him while his performance took place. Afterwards, it was dinner at the Hard Rock and Doug was bombarded by Zachary with the "pizza mask"; in which he didn't mind at all and found it to be quite hilarious. But the time spent with him was short and if we ever travel that way again, we both will enjoy spending more time and playing catch up on time lost.

Thank you, Doug for being our friend and family and supporting Zachary with your love and affection during these trying times. You are a good person to speak to and we value your friendship as well as your positive influence. You're a great person and it's good to have you on as a friend and a member of our family. Take care my friend and we will catch up soon.

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