Monday, February 05, 2007

Zachary has a myspace page

Hello everyone. We had a great weekend!! Nothing was unusual, though. Just the norm. Zachary slept pretty sound last night and early this morning; it was the baby that was the night owl!!

The new favorite movie for both boys is "How To Eat Fried Worms". I remember reading the book when I was in elementary school. The movie is really cute and it keeps both boys attention. Zachary brought home his Leader Bear over the weekend. This just means he was the leader of his class for Friday and over the weekend. It makes him feel special and big!! I think he shows more responsibility when Leader Bear comes to visit. They are in their own world...playing with KISS toys and watching KISS videos.

This week he has a few surprises coming to him. I found a Paul Stanley guitar on ebay (autographed)!! A friend of ours, Doug, gave Zachary some money for me to use on him for a KISS item and I purchased the guitar with the money; on the best price I could get it at. Zachary doesn't know it's coming; but he will be in for the biggest surprise when it gets here!!! I will make sure to take pics for all of you to see so you can share our joy. Another thing that has happened lately; Zachary has a myspace page. Some great friends of ours, Lisa and Leo, set up Zachary a MySpace Page in his honor featuring pictures of nothing but Paul of his heros. Who is the other hero you ask?? Bruce Kulick, of course!! Who else?? Anyways, if you guys want to go have a look at it, the address is I cried when I first saw it and I still do. Not for sorrow; these were tears of joy. For Lisa and Leo, along with all the KISS Army love him so much, they do this for him to make him happy day to day. I'm still speechless!!! From the bottom of my heart, Lisa and Leo and all the KISS Army; thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are my heros!!!

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