Saturday, January 13, 2007

Zachary speaks with Paul Stanley.....

Zachary VIDEO - please share the video with others.
Morning everyone!! Last night Zachary had a good night. You do remember the only time these nights occur is when something great happens to him involving KISS. What is it, you ask?? I'll tell you because I cannot contain myself anymore.

Last night, at 6:14 pm, a private call came in on my cell phone. I answered it and it was Zachary's idol and one of his favorite musicians, Paul Stanley!! Paul asked me how he was doing and if he could speak to him. I immediately put Zachary on the phone. Before Zachary found out who it was, he asked me, "Who is it?" I told him to speak to him and see. Zachary's reply; "Is it Paul Stanley??" I did not answer him; I just told him to listen, talk, and find out. When Zachary finally got on the phone, he did not freak, shout, or show any enthusiasm. He spoke to Paul like he has spoke to him before. He asked Paul if he wanted to come play guitars with him. He told Paul about his guitar, toys, jacket, love for KISS, ferret, and asked Paul to come see him. They spoke for a while, it seemed. Zachary was very happy to speak to him. I the honor to speak to Paul as well and was happy to do so.

I told Paul about Houston and their plans for Zachary. I told him Zachary believes he is him and Paul's reply was that Zachary has good taste. I also shared with him how much the song "Live to Win" means to Zachary. I told him that Zachary sings the song word for word, this is the only song he knows by heart, he sings it with all his heart like Paul wrote the song for him. Paul was also told about my brain surgery last year. That it was different from Zachary's problem and how long it took me to get back on my feet. Paul told me to think about now and not the past. That Zachary and I are both here and we will make it through this. Those words were very comforting to me.

I'm glad Paul is on our team and will keep thinking and praying for Zachary's recovery. I do hope he remains in contact with him in some way and one day when this is all over and Zachary beats this, I hope their paths somehow cross and the two Star Children become one again!!!


Celestial2920 said...

Wow! Very cool! I'm very glad to hear Paul called Zach! He's a good guy... I really hope that Zach can meet him face to face sometime soon in the future, and maybe even get to see them live in concert!


Jim A Pearson
"The Celestial From Outer Space!"

Alex said...

Republican, you need to get a grip!! This is a little boy's life and his dream. What Barry Carr did for Zachary was honorable and respectable!! Anything you have to say about Barry Carr or Motorcowboy is not true...I KNOW!! You need to leave Zachary and his family alone; as well as the men that are operating their businesses...that includes Barry and Motorcowboy. This is suppose to be a mother's journal about her have turned it into gossip and slander...that is against the law and it will be rectified!! Stop with the lies and leave this poor family alone. It's people like you that give good people like them a bad name. Go get a life!!

ROCK STAR said...

Zachary is!!!!!!!!!!

A SONG!!!!!!!!!!

A DREAMER!!!!!!!!!!!

A ROCKER!!!!!!!!!!!

A SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!




THE SONG!!!!!!!!


LET IT PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!



SO BE IT!!!!!!!




U ROCK!!!!!!!!!

Leo said...

Well Republican a/k/a Edward Przydzial it appears that you are using the wrong spot to vent your frustration with Barry Carr. I also have dealt with Barry and while there was a little dispute between us on the Armor I purchased, all was worked out and I am very satisfied with it.

Now I must ask why are you using a blog that is set up for the support of Zachary and his family to vent something that happened awhile ago? and don't even get me started on scamming considering your supposed past history.

Now onto more important things. I would just like to wish Kristen and Zachary a very safe trip to Houston and pray that all turns out well. Be strong Zach you have a lot of people pulling for you.

Paul Stanley your the greatest to take time to call Zachary. It makes me awfully proud to be a KISS fan.

You be sure and listen to mom. Work hard in school, and Keep Rockin little buddy.

Best Wishes Always,
Leo a/k/a The Demon