Friday, January 12, 2007

Zachary keeps speaking of Paul Stanley......

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Hey everyone. This morning, so far is quiet. I'm fueled with fresh coffee and writing to all of you of any recent happenings with Zachary. Well let me tell you!!

Last night Zachary received a Citizenship Award from the school board in our parish. He was very happy; but wanted his strawberry ice cream after wards. He also kept speaking of Paul Stanley; explaining to me while we waited for his name to be called; that Paul is who he wants to see. I told him soon because I don't know when it will occur or if it will. Zachary believes it will and so do I; but when is the question of the day as always. Well I hope he gets his wish one day.

Zachary is still the same on a daily and nightly basis. Sometimes he has a seizure and sometimes he don't. They can be big or small ones it just depends on how wore out he becomes. I'm trying to keep him as comfortable as possible. I tell him I love him several times daily with lots of hugs. He has become more of a momma's boy than anything in the past year. Well let me make a correction, they are both momma's boys; because they both know there is nothing I wouldn't do for either of them.

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