Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Zachary need your help

Hello everyone. At the moment, things are just about as normal as they can get. Two children are in school, and I'm home continuing my duties as full time mother and provider. It has taken several days to get over our last trip to Houston; now we are completely regenerated.

Last Friday was really hectic. We were on time for Zachary's EEG; which ended up lasting 2 hours instead of one. That made him late for his doctor's appointment. I think the test went fine; but the result weren't in when the doctor saw him. The hospital told me they should be in, but they weren't. I know he had a mild seizure during the testing or it seemed to be one. After about an hour, Zachary became restless and would not comply with the technician so the test could be completed. He grew restless, as would I. Zachary wanted the wires removed immediately!! It took all that I had to calm him down. When it was time for him to take a short nap, Zachary was not ready to sleep. He wanted to leave and he began to cry and throw fits. I was afraid he would become violent; but lucky for us, he did not.

When we went to the 9Th floor to see the doctor, it was a long wait. I felt like a ball in a pinball machine. It was alot of back and forth until finally we were paged for the last time. The doctor was young and I was impressed. She was very nice and knowledgeable. She discussed the three things they can do for Zachary to help with the seizures. They are medication, a pacemaker, and brain surgery. She asked me my opinion regarding which one I would choose if I had to make a choice. I told her the medication is not an option because he has been on many; but I would like to try the pacemaker versus brain surgery. I know he probably will have to undergo brain surgery in the future; I just want him to have some relief for now. That is all I'm concerned about...him. I just want him to have a restful night and to give him some peace without any interruptions. I don't mind waking up at all hours of the night by anyone; I just care about him and if he's ok. Nothing else concerns me about him but his comfort. I just want him to experience the peace we experience in sleep at night without the pain in his legs, the nausea in the morning, and the headaches.

The doctor is now in the process of scheduling an appointment for Zachary for a week EEG at Texas Children's Hospital. I feel when he comes back, they will get to see more seizure activity in detail. The doctor wants to see the area in the brain where most of the seizures originate. This area is where they will work on to give Zachary peace and rest. I feel they will know more about his condition once this occurs and they will know the best way of treatment for Zachary when the results for this test come in. Until then, I continue my life with Zachary, and the children like we have been every week and their father joins us on the weekends when he is home from work. Please guys, continue to pray for him; we are getting so close to our answers. Also, Zachary still needs your help. If there is anything you can do; anything at all, all of us, especially Zachary will appreciate it.

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