Thursday, January 04, 2007

Take care and God bless!!

Zachary VIDEO - please share the video with others.

This morning has been a very busy day for me. I woke early and started cleaning my house from top to bottom. It is nearly 10 am and I am finished. I have an exciting day planned for the children and I. We are going to see my friend for the day and have lunch at Chuck E Cheese Restaurant!!

We have been cooped up in the house for several weeks and haven't done anything exciting. So why not go out of town for the day?? No big deal, I say. I think all of us could use it. There is nothing to do in this town, so the children and I could use the getaway time. I feel we all deserve it. It will be fun for all of us. Zachary always loved going to see the big mouse and play the games. I also feel this is good therapy for us all. That way we are not lingering in the dreary present. It is so depressing!!

So, I hope all of you will have a great day and I will be writing you of our adventures in the am!! Take care and God bless!!

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