Saturday, December 16, 2006

Zachary's member in "The Kiss Army"

This morning, as I sit at the computer, my mind is at a complete blank. I have shared Zachary's story with all of you and believe it or not, it's real. Some of you have emailed me regarding Zachary and I'm glad you did. I now look at the world as a beautiful place full of wonderful people like all of you. I now am at peace and whole. Someone wrote, "Zachary is part of the KISS Army" and "We are One". Yes, we are!! I'm thankful all of you decided to take part in this battle of helping Zachary suceed in life. It means the world to me and our family that all of you stand UNITED with us. Yes, Zachary is a soldier in the KISS Army, yes we are all family, and Yes, we are one!!

With all of you standing behind Zachary, showing your support and love, I know it makes him and all of us stronger. WE WILL OVERCOME!! WE WILL FIGHT!! and WE WILL WIN!!!! I feel when we all stand together, nothing can take us down!! WE ARE INVINCIBLE!! All of you have raised Zachary and our family up in hope, love, and prayer and your words are being read and heard. I know all of you will always be there for Zachary the rest of his life; showing your continued love and support. So thank you all for everything; without all of you, this can't be possible!! We love all of you...YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!! That's not just a phrase, that is also the song I'm using to express the way I feel about all of you. It is also one of Zachary's songs, in which he loves and knows, that isn't performed by KISS. So yes, he does listen to other songs sometimes. And he sings it just as innocently as the words are (even though he can't speak all that well).

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