Thursday, December 14, 2006

Zachary, Rock Bottom Costumes and Motorcowboy - The phenomena -How it started

It all began when I was on Ebay looking for a KISS costume or even the boots for Zachary. I thought this would be an AWESOME gift!! I found the website (, and proceeded to email the owner regarding the price of the boots or even if they made KISS boots for children. If so, how much would they be?? After a few emails, I spoke with one of the owners, and received a discount because the boots were for a child and a terminally ill one at that. I sent the measurements in, and waited. After about a month, I received a phone call from The boots are on their way to Kentucky and don' t worry about paying for them. Actually what he told me that morning still makes me cry. "My brother and I spoke, he said, " and we want to donate the boots for your son." THIS WAS UNBELIEVABLE!! From there, it has been absolutely amazing for Zachary. Jim put this AMAZING and CREATIVE artist named Barry Carr in contact with me a month ago and he has done nothing but GREAT THINGS!! Also the blog you are reading, was their ideas. Gary, the marketing manager, puts up new entries on a daily basis.

These three men, who don't know me, my family or even Zachary have opened their hearts and helped. Jim with the start of the boots, Gary with the business side, and Barry with his talent, creativity and love for our family, especially Zachary (like his own)!! Thank you Barry Carr and Rock Bottom Costumes,& Gary and Jim at for opening your heart to make a little boy's dream come true with his KISS costume!! There are many other things I could tell you regarding what is coming up, all I can promise you is it will be exciting for Zachary. So, my suggestion, BUCKLE UP , IT'S GONNA BE A WILD RIDE!! Stay tuned..........

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