Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A mothers cry - journal entry - Dec.6, 2006

Hello everyone!! Last night and this morning has been great and restful. Zachary slept like a baby. Every once in a while, I get to enjoy one of these nights and mornings. This sounds like everything is normal, but it is the pattern that has been duplicated every month and year. Today, I feel relieved; but I know what lies ahead. Tonight may be a different story. Let me explain. Sometimes Zachary has a "seizure free" night. Once that happens, the next night is pretty tough. I pray this does'nt happen. No matter how much I pray for Zachary to be relieved for another night, the prayers are not answered. I know his little body cannot take much more, like mine, and it terrifies me to know he may have many more restless nights to come.

I know Zachary is one of the many children who have to deal with this. I am terrified for each and every child and I think about the parents, "What they must be going through!" They are like me and my husband, praying for a miracle to relieve their child and willing to spend their last dollar to give their child relief. My husband and I have spent alot of money and time to help our son. Now we are just about "cashed out"!! We will not give up, though!! There are still many "avenues" to venture. I want all of you to know, Zachary needs your help; whether it be prayers, money or "kiss" toys. Mostly prayers to lift up him and our little family. If you want to speak to me or Zachary, feel free to call or email. I'm willing to speak and even go into more detail of Zachary's story than I have on here. I know Zachary is not alone in his battle and if you are a parent or grandparent of a child like him, SPEAK UP!! If Zachary's story touches your heart, send a comment, email, or pick up the phone!! This journal is proof that no one is ever alone........God Bless!!

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