Sunday, December 10, 2006

A mothers cry - journal entry - Dec.10, 2006

Happy Sunday, everyone!! Last night was rough for Zachary. I don't know if it was because he wore himself out alone or just the illness combined with it. But I was scared out of my wits!!

It happened around 2:30 am when Zachary became violent again. When he finally came out of it, he had no idea who I was or why he was here. As a matter of fact, he had no idea where HERE was. So, he ran!! Where you ask?? Zachary ran to the door; he was trying to escape!! To him, I was a strange person he had never seen and he was trying to get away. It took some time to coax him back to bed with his cup. Once he gave in, he fell back to sleep. I was relieved it did'nt last hours.

When Zachary gets this way, I feel like a kidnapper trying to keep the victim quiet. It's not that, though; I'm simply trying to bring him back to REALITY. If you have ever been around a child like Zachary, you will understand. If you had not had the pleasure, you cannot imagine. Unfortunately, this is all true. I can tell you many experiences I have had throughout the 5 years he has been alive; but instead, I result in the day to day life we are living. Taking care of a child that is disabled is the hardest thing I have ever done; but I don't regret a day of it. None of us are perfect I know; so we need to thank God for our imperfect and disorganized lives. Zachary does'nt regret a day of it and I know in his world his life is nothing but perfect; even when others see the abnormalities.

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