Monday, December 11, 2006

Thanks to all that have helped - Dec.11, 2006

Good Morning, everyone!! I'm in a very thankful mood. I go through what I do with Zachary on a daily and nightly basis. That will never go away until his major surgeries.

Today, I want to give thanks to all the people who have played a part in Zachary's life. I have a long list; so I will try and be short. I will begin with the Johnson, Durham, and Whittington families. All of them have been there for my husband, myself and the children in some way. Even though, they can only do so much, it has all been very much appreciated and we are very thankful for everything you have done and will continue to do. We love you all!! Zachary's teachers are also on this list, Ms. Dunn, Ms. Lou, and Ms. Weeks. My husband and I want to thank you for all you do for Zachary while he is in your care. Thank you for teaching him, loving him, and supporting him as one of your own. Zachary will never forget any of you and how much he adores you. Our friends, new and old, thank all of you for being supportive of our family. We could not continue to go on without any of your support. Kayla, our sitter, thank you for loving our family like they are your own. We know you share a special bond with Zachary and his siblings that not many people can experience. Zach loves you!! To all the people at M.L. Smith, Lee and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting us mentally and physically for all these years. All of you are very well thought of, loved, and take a special place in the heart of this family. Oscar, Tim and Scott you are not only co workers or friends, you are now brothers and uncles. We thank you and love you!! Last, but not least, we want to thank Barry, Gary, and Jim. You have made a little boy's dream a reality!! There is no way to repay you for all your generosity and love. Your deeds will not be forgotten!! You have done the impossible for Zachary and my husband and we will never forget what you have done. Anyone else who has not been named, I want to thank. Your deeds will not be unsaid. We love you all for everything that has been done for Zachary and this family.

Zachary was our blessing; but he has touched so many others. You all share a common bond with Lee and I; the love for a special little boy!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Kristen,
My name is Scott and I am a dad of 3. I just read about Zachary on KISSONLINE and have to tell you I was incredibly touched by your son's bravery and struggles. He is definitely in our thoughts and prayers.