Saturday, December 09, 2006

A day in the life ....Dec.9, 2006

This morning has been productive for me. Zachary slept well with one violent outbreak early this morning. He woke up in one of the best moods!!

My morning has involved, getting haircuts for the boys, buying fresh donuts, and watching Boomerang cartoons. As I type this, Zachary and baby brother, Eli are in the middle of their KISS concert. It really is CUTE, watching them JAM OUT!! The coffee table is their stage, Zachary plays as STAR CHILD and Eli is "THE DEMON"!! Even though, I think the roles should be changed up a bit; because Zachary has a LONGER tongue than his baby brother, considering he has practiced sticking his tongue out like Gene!! I have the pictures to prove it!!

When I said Zachary has been a fan since he was 2 yrs old, I meant it. He is now a HARDCORE KISS FAN!! I have never seen a child love a rock band this much! This is the only thing that makes him happy (besides family). Also, what is really funny to me, Zachary has "educated" his baby brother Eli in the "ways of KISS"!! School is always open at my house and if you stick around long enough, you just may see "Little Paul" and "Little Gene" perform!!

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