Wednesday, February 28, 2007

"What comes around, goes around."

Hello KISS Fam!! Just thought I'd write and give you the latest scoop in my CRAZY LIFE!! Now, keep in mind, I'm still recooperating from the trip in Myrtle Beach; so if I offend, I'm apologizing up front. Normally I'm not the one to ever offend.

The trip from point A to point B was a total of 13 hours start to finish...not including any stops. Needless to say, it was draining on all of us except Zachary, who reluctantly received his well deserved sleep. My cell was going off like crazy and things were going on that sent me in panic; but I managed to calm down. The whole time in the back of my head, I was dreading the drive home and wondered what would be waiting on me when I arrived. I received a countless amount of threatening phone calls and voice mails that threw me into more panic mode and the whole time I was trying to concentrate on the drive and Zachary. In the back of my mind, I can now say someone was trying to cause an accident. No proof, but that's how I feel. I can get a bit emotional when it comes to Zachary and my other children; so when there is a threat riding on this, I do not take them lightly. I think, then react. SMART.

When Zachary, myself, and the siblings arrived home, I found my home broken into and destroyed. I WAS SLAMMED!!! It reminded me of a frat after party and we were the clean up crew. Did I say this??? The house was broken into not once.... BUT TWICE!!! I had never seen such a mess!!! Of course things were taken; but not many. But what really crushed Zachary the most?? I'll try to put it to all the KISS Family as lightly as I can go. The picture taken of Zachary and Barry Carr the night he received his Gene boots was gone and I know it had to have been destroyed. That told me who had been here. Well he admitted it to me over the cell during my which was not the smartest thing he ever done. I'm not going to say any names; but if you guys have been following my stories within the past few weeks; well then you know. Yes, it did pain me...but not like Zachary. HIS HEART WAS RIPPED OUT AND GIVEN TO HIM...LITERALLY!!! That is an attack I will not let live down and that's a promise. Those actions were proven deceitful, cruel, selfish, and childish. But I intend on staying where I am at...and that is on top with my kids. I will not let this get the best of us without a fight to the end. No tricks. I don't play that way. I believe in the old saying "What comes around, goes around." This is always's faultless.

So today, I have been repairing the destruction of a shattered life not only for myself and the siblings; but for Zachary. For he, Bailey, and Eli are the reasons my world revolves and continues to flourish.

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