Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Kristen calls police on a Kiss crazed fan

Good afternoon everyone. Today has been a busy day for me. To start, I had an alarming phone call last night. The man that phoned claimed to be a KISS reporter with the KISS Museum. NOT!! Just the regular stuff; fishing for information on Zachary. The man was quite abrasive with me regarding Zachary and his condition as well as this page. Threats were also made towards myself and Zachary...I did not take this lightly. I did the only thing I could do and that was calling the police to press charges on this individual. My motherly instincts took hold and I proceeded to do what any parent will do for their child and that is to PROTECT!! This man was crazy and I did not continue the conversation.

I pour my heart out on a daily basis on this blog regarding Zachary, my family, and the way I feel about the condition. This is the hardest avenue I will ever have to go down and I dread when the day will become a reality. Not for myself; but for Zachary. I can pull him through any obstacle he has to overcome because I'm his mother and I'm suppose to be strong. Well sometimes I feel as weak as a kitten; but I don't give up hope and I don't bend easily to bad news or violent threats. I just work harder for him to make his life better.

On Thursday, when we pack up to go to Houston, Zachary will bring all of his KISS items with him to keep him company. I will continue to think of you all and keep you all posted on his condition as the days pass. Thank you for all of your calls, emails, and most of all the support because without all of your love and compassion none of this would be possible. You are Zachary's KISS family; he loves you and so do I.

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