Monday, December 25, 2006

Remembering and being thankful.

Hello everyone!! As Christmas Day quickly approaches, I try to complete all of my tasks while doing a million other things to prepare. At the same time, I try and make up for lost time at the computer to write all of you. Zachary's doing fine today. He is awaiting the arrival of Santa Clause. Oh, what an exciting time!!! I can't wait to see the look on his face tomorrow morning when he gets his Paul Stanley doll!! I wish I could've bought all of the KISS toys for him, like he wanted; but I couldn't afford it all. But as all of you know, all holidays have to include KISS. There wouldn't be KISSMAS without them!!

Christmas is also a day I use for reflection. What I mean by that...I think of the loved ones (who have passed on) that can't be with me on this day. How much I miss them, love them, and wish they were here to share the day with me and Zachary. It makes me sad to share this with you; but that is what Christmas means to me. The giving is good; but the heart is what matters most. Look at it this way, if it weren't for all of these people (that came before you), you could not and would not exist!! You are who you are because these people made you the person you are today!! At least, that's my philosophy. So, all I can do is raise my children the way I was raised. Everything you learn is passed down anyway, right?? So, I may not have alot of money; but I have alot of love and morals to teach my children (learned from the ones who can't be here with me). I can also pass down the stories that were told to me when I was small. So even though they can't be around, I can give my children the greatest gift of all...THEIR MEMORIES that live through me.

So, as you all sit down with your families tomorrow at Christmas Dinner, be thankful you can all be together ( I know I am) and remember the ones that can't, in which there will be an empty spot at the table. Prepare all the dishes you love, keep family traditions ALIVE, and always remember Christmas is not only about giving; it's about family and the heart. I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas, a prosperous New Year, and I will talk to all of you when the day is new. Thank you guys, I Love You!!

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