Thursday, December 21, 2006


Good Morning everyone!! This has been an amazing week for Zachary!! What do I mean about AMAZING?? I will try and give you guys the jest of it.

I kept Zachary home from school this past Tuesday because we were expecting his very SPECIAL VISITOR!! It took some time for him to get to our humble town; but when he made his BIG ENTRANCE, Zachary was so HAPPY!! Who came you ask?? The artist Barry Carr of Rock Bottom Costumes, that's who!! He drove up in my driveway suited up as you know who!! None other than Gene Simmons aka "The Demon"!! He came to present Zachary with his official replicated Demon Destroyer Boots!! created by Rock Bottom Costumes and Jim at Motorcowboy. I was SPEECHLESS!!! We had a house full of family and friends to witness this AMAZING event!! Zachary answered the door, looked at Barry and stated, "Come in, Demon!!" He wasn't afraid or anything. THIS WAS HIS NIGHT!! A reporter and photographer (from our local paper) and a professional studio photographer were also present for this SPECIAL NIGHT. There were plenty of pictures taken with plenty of cameras; but the attention was not taken off of Zachary and Barry. Barry was amazed himself to see Zachary walking well in the boots. My husband and I, (along with family and friends) were happy for him that his dream to own the boots FINALLY came true. I personally thanked Barry for what he did for my little boy and that I will NEVER FORGET.

The next day, I brought Zachary to school because he HAD to wear his KISS boots!! Zachary carried himself TALL as he clunked through the hallway of Vidalia Lower, yesterday morning. He showed everyone that wanted to see the AWESOME BOOTS!! I walked Zachary down the hall for his Christmas Party and he was greeted by fellow students and teachers. Pictures were taken and his friends were looking at the boots and Zachary continued to tell everyone about them and his AMAZING VISIT with "Demon"!! This is the night that will live in Zachary's life forever; as the night he got his Demon Boots and come eye to eye with his "Demon Hero"!!

AND THE BEAT GOES ON --- Zachary still needs your help!!

Again special thanks to;
Keith Leroux at
Bruce Kulick at
Barry Carr at
Jim Evans at
Gary in marketing 866-605-6431

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Seriously cool!

Man, I wish I had a set of boots like those!! They'd be seriously cool!

Hope you have a very merry KISSmas Zach, and I hope the real demon comes by for a visit too!


Jim A Pearson